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Merrill Global Foundation is led by a seasoned and diverse team whose members possess deep expertise in the financial markets and are also actively engaged in philanthropic endeavors. We are committed to transforming business success into a driving force for social goog
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Walter Deemer: The company is led by Walter Deemer, a distinguished leader with strategic insight into the global financial markets and a strong commitment to philanthropy. With decades of experience at leading global financial institutions, Walter Deemer excels in macroeconomic analysis, global asset allocation, and the management of charitable projects, bringing both profound expertise and a deep sense of social responsibility to the company
Chief Investment Officer (CIO): Our CIO has a strong professional background in risk management, portfolio construction, and market forecasting, and is actively involved in managing multiple charitable funds, ensuring that while achieving excellent investment returns, we also advance our philanthropic goals.
Philanthropy Team: This team focuses on identifying and supporting charitable opportunities and projects worldwide, ensuring that our investment strategies are closely aligned with our social responsibility commitments, delivering tangible benefits to global communities.
Research and Analysis Team: Comprised of several Ph.D. holders and financial analysts, this team is responsible for uncovering market opportunities, conducting cross-market and cross-industry research, and identifying investment opportunities that align with our social and philanthropic objectives.
Client Relations Team: Our Client Relations team is dedicated to providing personalized service, ensuring that each client receives tailored investment advice and ongoing wealth management support, while also helping them engage in philanthropic activities, achieving a balance between financial returns and social impact.